Welcome to my website. You can call me Shadow. This website acts as a blog and scrapbook of sorts. While I don't often partake in indulgences, you'll find some of those here.

It is almost spring. I've found the beginnings of this season to be forgiving.
Yesterday I found a local convenience store that I think I’ll be doing more shopping in. I also tried a brand of cookies named “Marias” that I’d had my eyes on for a while. I recommend trying them. If you get them, do have them with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate.
Here’s a picture I took of the stars last night. It’s not the best picture, considering the city’s air pollution and my finger got on the lens, but I like how it looks.
Hello again. I’ve not had much to share recently; it’s been an uneventful and thankfully peaceful few months. I appreciate all the positive comments left on my guestbook.
Here's another song I’ve been listening to, this one with a fitting title for the holiday coming later this month. I don't celebrate it myself, but enjoy it if you do.
First blog post. I had an acquaintance explain to me how HTML and CSS work. For this website, I’m using this template tweaked a bit to my liking. We didn’t have the Internet back at home, so I’ve yet to learn the more complicated things… this site will likely be more customized once I do.
I thought I’d share some music for the first entry. Here is a YouTube playlist of some songs I downloaded on my iPod recently. I selected lyric videos when I could find them. I hope you enjoy these songs as well.